Well, we made it. Bryn and I were partnered for and passed the first test, establishing for us the rank of 4th Kyu. In Aikido the ranks proceed first from 9th Kyu - 4th Kyu, during which time the student wears a white belt, and then I think if you reach 3rd Kyu - 1st Kyu they give you a brown belt, and after that you test for Shodan, or first degree black belt. Then, the black belts proceed upward (i.e. 2nd degree, 3rd degree, etc.) as the rank gets higher. My objective is to reach Shodan by the time I complete the course. Then I can roll into the dojo back in LA sporting a black belt!
A videotape was made of the test. It belongs to the dojo, but if I can post it on this blog, I will...
Hey Mr. Wood! Loving the blog. :) I can't wait to come visit!! (Crossed fingers we do!) I can tell you're having a blast. Keep the posts coming!!